Anarchie Pro Documentation

"I filled up my disk in 20 minutes! Before Anarchie it would take me a good hour or more to download the same amount of stuff!" - Russell Baird

As seen on TV (MacNeil/Lehrer Show, May and October 1994)

As demoed at Apple's World Wide Developers Conference, May 1994

Second Place in the Best Scriptable Application category of the Everyday AppleScript Contest, June 1994.

4.5 stars - MacUser Sep 1994 (and they were using v1.1.3!)

Outstanding Programming for a Shareware Product, USENet Macintosh Programming Awards, May 1995.


About Anarchie Pro

Anarchie Pro is a file transfer utility for the Macintosh. It will let you upload and download files from FTP or web sites, get entire web sites, extract and list web links, resume interrupted and failed transfers, maintain entire FTP sites, edit files on FTP sites with BBEdit, and find files using Mac Search or Archie.

This lets you find and download shareware and demo applications, maintain your own FTP or web site, test your web site for ease of navigation, transfer files between home and work and between locations and platforms, and download an entire local copy of a web site to speed up web access or browse offline. It integrates and acts as a companion to your web browser letting you quickly navigate complex and elaborate web sites.

For more information and updates, see the Anarchie Pro Web Site.

For more information about other products, see the Stairways Web Site.

Anarchie Pro requires System 7 and MacTCP 1.1 or later. System 7.5.5 and Open Transport 1.1.1 or later are both highly recommended.

Anarchie Pro is shareware. You may try it for a while, but to continue using it, you must pay for it. It costs US$35 per user, or you can purchase a site or organisation wide license. More information is available in the Registering Section.


Other Documentation

The documentation describes the operation of Anarchie Pro. As well as this, Anarchie Pro also has a FAQ which answers many common questions and includes Tips which allow you to easily learn to make better use of Anarchie Pro. If you have problems, try reading the FAQ. If you enjoy using Anarchie Pro, try reading one new Tip every time you launch it, this will enable you to explore the depth of the program incrementally without having to read the documentation in detail now.


Internet Config

Anarchie Pro uses Internet Config to configure much of its operation. In particular, it uses:
Anarchie Pro can operate without Internet Config, but some features will be disabled and file types and creators may not be set reliably. It is highly recommended that you install Internet Config 2.0 (included in the Extras folder) or later, and that you run it at least once and configure the settings listed above.


Anarchie Pro includes only a few preferences that are not configured by Internet Config. Choose Preferences from the Settings menu and you can set the following preferences:

Web Browser Integration

Anarchie Pro can take over FTP from your web browser. If you would like Anarchie Pro to handle all FTP URLs in your Web browser, choose Switch Internet Explorer or Switch Netscape (whichever browser you use) in the Settings menu (hold the option key down to revert your web browser). You may also want to choose Switch Internet Config from the Settings menu to configure Anarchie Pro as your FTP helper in Internet Config.

Getting Files


This section describes how to get a file from an FTP site if you know where it is. If you do not know where it is, see the Finding Files Section). If the file is on a web site (for example, if the URL starts with http:), see the HTTP Section.

If you know where a file is, you can get it directly by choosing Get via FTP from the File menu and filling out the fields. If you have a FTP URL, simply paste it into this window and Anarchie Pro will fill in all the fields for you. Otherwise, fill in the fields:

Server - also known as the host or machine name. For example, "".

Path - if you know the path, type it into this field. Otherwise, leave it blank. For example, "/stairways"

Username - if you know the username, type it into this field. Otherwise, leave it and the password field blank for anonymous FTP access. For example, "peter".

Password - type in the password here (your password will not be shown on the screen). For example, "mypassword".

Select the action you want to take from the radio buttons. Get Listing gets a directory listing, Get File/Directory downloads the file or the entire directory, View File views the file in your text editor, Index Search searches the FTP site (see the Index Search Section).

Click the List/Get/View/Index button to connect to the FTP site.

You can also click the Save button to save this location as a bookmark. If you save it into the Bookmarks folder in Anarchie Pro's folder it will be listed in the default Bookmark List (see the Bookmarks Section for more information).

If you have the Keychain installed, you can have your password saved for future use. Once saved into the Keychain, when you type in a server and username, the password field will be filled out automatically.

If you would like the Get via FTP window to open when you launch Anarchie Pro, turn on the Show Window at Startup checkbox.

Once you have a listing window displayed, you can simply double click or drag to the Finder to download files or folders.

HTTP (Web)

As with FTP, if you know where a web file is, you can get it directly by choosing Get via HTTP (HTTP is the protocol that the web uses, HTTP and web are basically synonyms) and filling out the fields. In this case, simply paste or type the URL into the URL field and choose the action you want:
then click the Get button.

As above, you can also click the Save button to save a bookmark for later access.

Anarchie Pro does not support authenticated logins or secure connections for web access.

Resuming Failed Downloads

If an FTP or HTTP transfer fails, or if you abort the transfer by closing the window, Anarchie Pro saves a resume document. You can recommence the download by double clicking the document in the Finder, or by choosing Open from the File menu and selecting the resume document. Not all FTP or web servers support resumable downloads, so Anarchie Pro may be forced to restart the transfer from the beginning.

Entire Web Site

As well as downloading a single web page, you can have Anarchie Pro download an entire web site. Simply choose Get Entire Web Site from the file menu, paste or type in the starting URL, and click Get. The web site will be downloaded to a folder in your Downloads folder.

Only files and pages that are on the same site and in the same subdirectory will be downloaded. For example, if you ask Anarchie Pro to get the web site at <> it will download that index.html page and then recursively download all the pages and files it points to that start with "". One issue is that there may be referenced images that are stored elsewhere on the server (such as in "") and these will not be downloaded.

Finding Files

Mac Search

If you want to download a freeware, shareware or demo application that you believe might be stored on the major Macintosh FTP servers (Info-Mac and UMich mirrors), you can use Anarchie Pro's Mac Search facility to find the file quickly. Simply choose Mac Search from the Search menu, type in the name of the file you wish to search for, and click the Find button. For example, type in "netpresenz" to search for our NetPresenz FTP server.

This is the quickest and most reliable way of finding a particular Macintosh freeware or shareware application.

The search string is a regular expression, so you can use ".*" if you think there might be other characters, for example "net.*presenz" will find NetPresenz or Net-Presenz or even inet/multi-homed-presenz.

The files will be mapped to your local Info-Mac or UMich FTP server as specified in Internet Config's file transfer settings. So if the search works, but the download fails, chances are your Internet Config settings need to be updated - perhaps the server that is selected is no longer operating?


Anarchie Pro comes complete with a list of many bookmarks to popular sites like Ambrosia, Bare Bones, Eudora, and of course Stairways, as well as the list of all the UMich and Info-Mac FTP mirror sites. Choose List Bookmarks from the Search menu, and then just scroll through and double click anything that looks interesting.


Frequently, the file you want to find is one you have previously downloaded, or perhaps a new version of such a file. In this case, the file will be listed in your Log. Choose Show Log from the Window menu, then choose Find from the Search menu and type in the name of the file you want to find. Anarchie Pro will hilight the file.

If you just want to get another copy of it, simply double click it.

If you want a new version, try holding the control key down wile you double click it, then remove the file name from the end of the path and select Get listing (command-1),

Index Search

Some FTP servers support indexing. In this case, if you know the server name and you know the name of the file, the server may be able to tell you where it is. Choose Get via FTP from the file menu, then type in the server name, choose Index Search (command-4), and type in the name of the file in the Index field. Click the Index button and Anarchie Pro will display a listing window.

Unfortunately, few FTP servers support site indexing.


In days gone past, the Archie system was developed to index all the anonymous FTP servers on the net. Think of it as a precursor to the web search engines of today. Anarchie Pro started life as a simple archie client (hence the name, although it is pronounced "Anarchy"). If you know the name of the file, choose Archie from the Search menu, choose a server from the popup menu and type the name into the Find field. Click the Find button.

Sadly, these servers are quite out of date, so it is unlikely they will find a current version of a program. They may give you some leads if you are looking for something old and unusual.

Updating FTP Sites


As well as downloading files, Anarchie Pro will let you maintain your FTP and web sites. First, open a listing window into the remote site using Get via FTP from the File menu or a bookmark. Then choose Put from the Remote menu or drag the file or folder from the Finder and Anarchie Pro will upload it.

Anarchie Pro can upload the file in Text, Binary or MacBinary format. Normally it will deduce the appropriate transfer mode automatically based on the file type and your Internet Config file mappings. You can override this by choosing an option from the Transfer menu in the Settings menu. See the Transfer Mode Section for more information.

Edit with BBEdit

If you have a Unix account, or CGI scripts stored on your FTP server, Anarchie Pro will let you edit them locally using BBEdit. First, display a listing window, then select the file and choose Edit with BBEdit from the Remote menu. Anarchie Pro will download the file, and ask BBEdit to edit it for you. When you save the file in BBEdit, Anarchie Pro will automatically upload the file for you.

Mirror Upload

Anarchie Pro lets you maintain your entire FTP or web site locally on your Mac, then when you are happy with it, you can mirror upload any changes to the remote FTP server. This allows you to use all the normal web editing tools on your Mac, as well as viewing the local files with your web browser before uploading any changes. Since only files that are changed (different size) are uploaded, you can maintain your web or FTP site offline, and then upload it over a modem.

A good start is to download your existing FTP or web site by dragging the directory to the Finder (see the FTP Section for how to download a folder).

Then to mirror upload, choose Mirror Put FTP Site from the File menu, fill in the server, path, username and password of the FTP server, click the Choose Source Folder and select the folder on your Mac you wish to upload. You probably will want to click the Save button to save a bookmark if you wish to repeat this action for future changes. Then click the Mirror button and Anarchie Pro will delete any remote files that should not be there, make any directories that need to be made, and upload (and overwrite) files that need to be uploaded to the FTP server.

Warning: Mirror uploading permanently deletes and overwrites files on the FTP server. Be careful or you could destroy important files!

If you saved a bookmark, then you can make further changes to the local Mac folder and simply double click the bookmark file to have those changes uploaded to the server.


FTP servers do not always correctly set the permissions of uploaded files. Or more accurately, their idea of correct and yours may not agree. FTP servers also do not always support the commands required to change the file and directory permissions of uploaded files. If they do support the semi-standard SITE CHMOD command, then Anarchie Pro will let you modify the permissions. Select the file or directory in a listing window and choose Set Permissions from the Remote menu.

You may also be able to set the default upload permissions by choosing Set Upload Permissions before commencing an upload (or mirror upload). Set Upload Permissions only lasts as long as you are logged in to the FTP server, so you will need to watch the transcript to see when you are logged out. If you commonly deal with an FTP server that has the upload permissions set inappropriately, you could try asking the server administrator to fix the permissions.

Also, as a last resort, you can ResEdit Anarchie Pro and insert a line like "SITE UMASK 022" in STR# 830. This line is set after login and the result is ignored, so it may be useful for other weird FTP server settings.

New Directory

You can create a new directory on the FTP site by displaying the listing window you wish to create the directory in and then choosing New Directory. You will be asked for the name of the new directory. If you wish others to have access to the directory, you may need to set the permissions as described above.


You can rename files or directories on the FTP server by selecting the file in a listing window and choosing Rename.


You can delete files or directories on the FTP server by selecting the file in a listing window and choosing Delete, dragging it to the trash, or pressing command-Delete.

Raw FTP Commands

You can send a FTP protocol command by displaying a listing window and then choosing Send FTP Command from the Remote menu. This lets you send commands that are specific to your FTP server.

You cannot use this to send directory listing or file transfer commands because they require creating a separate connection to transfer the data.

You also cannot use this to send Unix FTP client commands like cd or mkdir. These are not FTP protocol commands, they are the Unix client equivalent of Anarchie Pro's menus. For information about the FTP protocol commands, see the FTP RFC at <> or send the Raw FTP Command "HELP".

Refreshing a Listing

Although Anarchie Pro tries to keep the listing window up to date as you make changes such as uploading, renaming, or deleting, sometimes you may want to refresh the listing to see exactly what the situation is on the server. To do this, choose Refresh from the File menu.



Anarchie Pro is fully scriptable and recordable. Almost everything that can be done from the user interface can be done from AppleScript or Frontier. Most commands in Anarchie Pro take either a URL or host, path, username, and password. You can use the Script Editor's Open Dictionary command to see all of Anarchie Pro's commands, or look through the AppleScript folder in the Scripting folder. An example AppleScript might be:

tell application "Anarchie Pro"  with timeout of 5 * 60 seconds
    find "dehqx" server "" matches 20 with window
    macsearch "net.*presenz"    fetch (file "HD:tilery-40.hqx") host "" path "/pub/info-mac/gui/tilery-40.hqx"    list (file "HD:listing") url ""  end timeout
end tell

Anarchie Pro also supports the standard GetURL suite.


You're on your own when it comes to Frontier, we've included some stuff from Leonard Rosenthol and tried to update it for Anarchie Pro 3.0.

More Setup

Saving Bookmarks

You can save bookmarks to locations you visit frequently. These bookmarks are saved as individual files which you can open from the Finder and have Anarchie Pro repeat the previous listing. You can even save bookmarks for searches or mirror uploads and have them repeated later by just opening the bookmark file.

Either click the Save button in the window or choose Save Bookmark from the File menu to save a bookmark.

If you save a bookmark into the Bookmarks folder in the Anarchie Pro folder then it will be displayed when you choose List Bookmarks from the Search menu.

Transfer Mode

By default, Anarchie Pro will choose the transfer mode (Text, Binary or MacBinary) for the file based on your Internet Config file mappings. It chooses the transfer mode based on:
You can select the transfer mode explicitly by choosing an option from the Transfer menu in the Settings menu.

Anarchie Pro will revert the setting to automatic when it is next launched, or you can set it back to automatic yourself. If you hold down the shift and option keys while you select a transfer mode, it will be saved permanently as the default when you launch Anarchie Pro. Warning: This may confuse you later when files are transferred in a specified setting instead of being transferred in the normal manner!

Generally, Internet Config's mappings should be correct, and if you have a problem, you should fix the mappings, select default for the mappings, or fix the file type or extension of the file. Changing the Transfer mode should be an unusual occurrence, make sure you know what you are doing and why.


Anarchie Pro displays file lists in a listing window. This window can be sorted by Kind, Name, Size, Date, Zone, Machine or Path. You can change the view order by clicking on the heading at the top of the window or by choosing the sort order from the View menu in the Settings menu. If you choose the sort order when no window is open, that will become your default sort order.


The Keychain is a method of storing all your passwords in one secure location. You unlock the keychain using a single master password, and after it is unlocked, Anarchie Pro can save your passwords in the Keychain, and read them out again later. If Anarchie Pro notices a host and username it has seen before it will retrieve the password from the Keychain and fill it in for you.

Redirect HTTP to Anarchie Pro

Since Anarchie Pro can download files from web servers, you may prefer to have it do file downloads and leave your web browser to just view web pages. If you install the Redirect HTTP to Anarchie Pro extension (by dragging it from the Extras folder to the Extensions folder in the System Folder and restarting) then whenever Internet Config is asked to handle an http URL, it will first be checked to see if it is a file (ending in .bin, .hqx, .sit or .cpt) and if so, it will be sent to Anarchie Pro, otherwise it will be sent to your default web browser.

Unfortunately, web browsers do not send URLs through Internet Config (and Internet Explorer which did when you held the command key down in version 3.x removed the feature in version 4.x), so this will not work inside your web browser, but it will work from other programs that ask Internet Config to download files from the web.

Apple Internet Access Detectors

If you have Apple Internet Access Detectors installed, you can add support for Anarchie Pro by dragging the files "Download FTP with Anarchie Pro" and "Download HTTP with Anarchie Pro" from the "Extras" folder to the "Actions" folder in the "Apple Data Detectrs" folder in your system folder.

Once installed you should be able to choose Anarchie Pro from the Apple Internet Access contextual menus when you control click on a FTP or HTTP URL.


Anarchie Pro supports three kinds of firewalls:
SOCKS is a low level TCP redirection firewall. Anarchie Pro connects to the SOCKS server and then it connects to remote sites.

Proxy FTP is an FTP protocol server. Anarchie Pro connects to the Proxy FTP server using FTP commands, optionally logs in and then the server connects to the remote FTP server and Anarchie Pro logs in to that.

Proxy HTTP (also known as CERN proxy servers) is an HTTP protocol server. Anarchie Pro connects to the Proxy HTTP server using the HTTP protocol and asks for web files. Although it is possible to ask for FTP files via a Proxy HTTP server, Anarchie Pro does not support this because it would be far too limited to provide reasonable behaviour.

You configure your firewall settings in Internet Config. Choose Firewalls from the Settings menu to launch Internet Config and configure your firewall settings.

If you have configured a proxy HTTP server as your Proxy FTP server, Anarchie Pro may detect this on launch and warn you that this will cause problems. Some versions of Internet Explorer have a bug that configures Internet Config's Proxy FTP setting to be a Proxy HTTP server. This will disable Anarchie Pro's ability to FTP so it must be corrected.

Version control and Mac Search also honour the HTTP Proxy setting.

You can also have Anarchie Pro use Passive FTP (in which case Anarchie Pro connects to the server for extra data connections rather than the server connecting to Anarchie Pro). If you are behind a firewall, you may also need to turn this preference on.

Anarchie Pro has one extra firewall preference in the Preferences window (choose Preferences from the Settings menu). If Extended Login (for firewalls) is enabled, Anarchie Pro prompts you for extra login commands after it sends the initial username and password. This may allow you to login (or through) using a secure ID cards or other authentication mechanisms.


Listing Window

Central to Anarchie Pro is the listing window. It lists files and directories on various FTP or web sites. It is the primary focus of most actions. You can get a listing window in a number of ways, including those listed above (using Get via FTP or HTTP..., Mac Search , Archie or by opening a bookmark). Once you display a listing window, you can open other windows by double-clicking folders just like in the Finder. In fact, many Finder operations also work in a listing window (see the Shortcuts Section for more information).

There are a variety of actions you can perform using listing windows:

Many of the above commands modify the listing window's contents. The listing window shows these changes in a variety of ways: uploads appear in bold and deleted files appear with a red line through them. This notation is used because the listing window really only shows a snap shot of the listing at the time you retrieved the file listing. It makes no attempt to figure out if someone else is changing the directory, or if the above commands operated as expected (for example FTP servers can rename files or do other strange things when you upload files). If you want the listing window to be refreshed to display any changes you or anyone else has made, simply choose Refresh from the File menu.

You can also click on the column headers to sort the listing window by the various columns.

Progress Window

The progress window gives information about how your transfer is progressing. You can click on the three underlined information fields to cycle them through different informational displays.


Anarchie Pro's listing windows support many of the Finder's Shortcuts. In particular, you can:
Also, pretty much anywhere you can do an action, if you hold the control key down Anarchie Pro will let you edit the action first. For example, hold the control key down while double-clicking a file and Anarchie Pro will let you edit the path (this is useful if you want to list a different directory or do an index search. Don't forget to set the action radio buttons to listing or index).

Holding the option key down will either close the window at the completion of the action or invoke an alternate behaviour dependent on the situation. For example, double clicking on an entry in a listing window while holding the option key down closes the list window as well as starting a new listing download. Holding option down in a Get via FTP window lets you copy a complete URL from the window. (The reverse of pasting into a Get via FTP window.)


Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) are the standard way of specifying locations on the Internet. Anarchie Pro uses FTP and HTTP URLs either as inputs (by pasting them into the Get via HTTP or FTP window) or as outputs (by selecting files or directories in listing windows and copying them).

An FTP URL looks like:


The "user:password@" is omitted for anonymous FTP. The path can start or end with a slash (/). If it starts with a slash (eg ftp://host//directory/), then it is an absolute path from the root of the FTP server's file system, otherwise it is relative to the default login location (which for anonymous FTP is often the root anyway). If the path ends with a slash, then it is a directory. Otherwise it is a file.

Netscape fails to understand relative or absolute paths. Netscape will interpret the URL <ftp://host//path/file> to be <ftp://path/file> and will interpret <ftp://host/path/file> to go to /path/file even if the login directory is /home/peter.

<> is an example URL. It points to the machine "" and the directory "stairways" relative to the default directory.

<> is another example, this time it points to a file at the absolute path "/stairways/0programs.txt"

An HTTP URL looks like:


The path may also contain extra parameters after a ? or $. An example is



Anarchie Pro keeps a transcript of all of the FTP and HTTP sessions in the transcript window. If a request fails and you don't know why, try looking in the transcript window for more information the server may have closed down or be temporarily overloaded, or the files you are after may have moved.

You can command click on URLs in the transcript window and they will be dispatched according to your Internet Config settings.

Administrative Details

Getting Help

Anarchie Pro has fairly extensive built-in help. If you have questions after reading this manual, try reading the Anarchie Pro FAQ at


You can also turn on Balloon Help to find out information about windows or menus.

And the Tips may be useful for extending your understanding of Anarchie Pro.

We don't guarantee any support, but we always answer our Email. If we don't answer your Email its because your message didn't get to us, or our reply bounced, so try again and include a valid Internet Email address.

Please have a look over our web site before mailing support. Our web site can be found at:


The site has lists of Frequently Asked Questions, documentation and tutorials on Anarchie Pro and our web site is up all day every day whereas we generally only handle support email a couple times a week.

As a last resort, you can reach Stairways Support at:



Anarchie Pro requires System 7 and MacTCP 1.1 or later. System 7.5.5 and Open Transport 1.2 or better are highly recommended. For large searches, large listings or many listings or searches or whatever, you may need to increase Anarchie Pro's memory partition (use Get Info in the Finder to do this). To display FTP sites, Anarchie Pro assumes the directory listing will look something like a normal Unix one, if it doesn't, it won't work. There is a document available at <> that explains how Anarchie Pro (and other programs) parse the LIST output, so if you are writing a server or client, please read this document.

You may have a problem over SLIP/PPP with your modem hanging up during a transfer if your modem init string does not contain &D0 (which tells it not to hang up if the buffer fills up).


This program is Shareware, which means if you use it, you must send us US$35 per copy (either per user or per machine, your choice). There is a US$20 per copy upgrade fee if you previously registered Anarchie Pro.

If you registered Anarchie after January 1, 1998, there is a US$5 per copy discount, contact Stairways Support at <> with your registration details (name, email address and date of registration) for information on how to get the discount.

You can register one of two ways: on-line registration using a web browser, or off-line registration using the Register program.

Our online registration can be found at:


Or, using the Register program, you need to:

1. Get hold of a copy of the Register program.
2. Run the Register program and fill out the form.
3. Send it to Kagi Shareware.

1. Register is distributed with Anarchie Pro. You can also get Register directly from:


..or there are download links on the following web page:


2. You need to enter your name, email, postal address, and the shareware you wish to pay for. The form accepts many different payment methods such as: US Check, Money Order, Cash (in many different currencies), Visa, Mastercard, American Express, First Virtual, and Invoice (to be given to your accounts payable department).

3. Then either email the data generated by the registration program or print it and send it via postal mail or fax. Credit card information is scrambled by the Register program.

The address to send the completed form is included by Register on the form when you Print or Copy it. The addresses are:

Email: <>

FAX: +1 510 652 6589

Kagi Shareware
1442-A Walnut Street #392-PL
Berkeley, California, 94709-1405

Site License Registrations

Universities or companies site license: US$1900
World-wide license: US$4900
World-Wide Source Code License: US$20000

Site licensing covers all machines in the organisations which are within a 100 mile radius of some central point.

There are no special educational dispensations: we have aimed to price our software so that it is affordable even to educational facilities.


You may distribute this program electronically any way you wish as long as you don't charge for it (except for reasonable download costs).

You MAY NOT DISTRIBUTE this program on any disk costing more than $5 without our explicit permission. You MAY NOT DISTRIBUTE this program on any CD without our explicit permission.


This program should do what we've described in this document. If it does not, you can simply stop using it. If you pay us, and within a year find that it does not do what we have describe here, then you can notify us and we will refund your money and cancel your license.

Fine Print

Peter Lewis and Stairways Shareware hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Peter Lewis and Stairways Shareware will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if Peter Lewis and Stairways Shareware or an agent of theirs has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall Peter Lewis and Stairways Shareware be liable for any damages, regardless of the form of the claim. The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software.

US Government:

If you are acquiring the Software and fonts on behalf of any unit or agency of the United States Government, the following provisions apply. The Government agrees:

(i) if the Software and fonts are supplied to the Department of Defense (DoD), the Software and fonts are classified as "Commercial Computer Software" and the Government is acquiring only "restricted rights" in the Software, its documentation and fonts as that term is defined in Clause 252.227-7013(c)(1) of the DFARS; and

(ii) if the Software and fonts are supplied to any unit or agency of the United States Government other than DoD, the Government's rights in the Software, its documentation and fonts will be as defined in Clause 52.227-19(c)(2) of the FAR or, in the case of NASA, in Clause 18-52.227-86(d) of the NASA Supplement to the FAR.


A huge thanks goes to Quinn for all his help.

Thanks also go to Dmitry Boldyrev & Igor Livshits for the icons, and to various people on my beta list for their suggestions.

Thanks also to Chris W. Johnson and the folks at University of Texas at Austin for hosting the server lists fetched by "Update Server Lists". You might like to check out their archive at <>, or at <> if you want a WWW interface.

Thanks to Andrew Tomazos for his help in hammering and crafting Anarchie Pro.

Thanks also to Jean-Pierre Kuypers and our other translators for the various translations.

Thanks to all the Beta Testers for their hard work and patience.